Training for Professional Singing
& Career Invigorating Speaking™
Enhancing talent, creativity, confidence and connection!™
Laurece West Studios
Training Packages
Training packages provide a high density of sessions necessary for the achievement of world class goals. Half and full day VIP packages may be scheduled. During Covid, sessions are available by Zoom video conferencing or by phone. Ask for a brochure with more detail for each training package and view the Singers and Speakers pages.
Attendance and Vacations
Regular attendance is essential to check the application and integration of each new skill. Thus energized attendance is required. We meet the first full three weeks of each month with the 4th and 5th off for rest, review, integration or vacation.
Additional time may be taken off if the sessions are made up within the training term – by having extra sessions in a week or adding time onto other sessions.
Keep in mind that in training, consistency is key. Staying on track as the quickest path to achieving your ultimate goals.
More than 48 hour Cancellation Policy
If you need to reschedule a session please give plenty of notice since that time is reserved especially for you. Time is limited and early notice is required to offer your time to another client. Thanks for your consideration.
Each client has access to their schedule through Duet, and online system that will sends a reminder email, with a Zoom link, at 5 am three days before each session. You then have more than 24 hours to cancel with credit, as it will give Laurece more than 48 hour's notice.
Cancellations must be made by email which is a record of the date and time. (Text cancellations are not acceptable as Laurece often has her phone off and texts have been know to come in even a day late.) If you cancel with less than 48 hours’ notice, the session fee is forfeited, so take care of yourself by planning ahead. Laurece would rather you have a session credit.
For equanimity, if Laurece cancels with less than 48 hours' notice, you will receive a free session. The mutual consideration the cancellation policy engenders allows you to respect your training and know your coach is committed to both you and your success!
If you have not had three healthy days after an illness and you come the studio you will be sent home and will forfeit your session - not fun for anyone! Bringing an active illness into the studio endangers everyone’s livelihood, their ability to maintain a healthy voice to stay active in their career. Being sick is an excellent opportunity to explore your overall self-care and specific methods to support the healing of your voice. Part of Laurece’s work is providing training, motivation and accountability with self-care as any positive change immediately creates more vocal strength and mental acuity. Let her know where you’d like more support in the areas of diet, sleep, exercise, hydration and positivity (spirit, mindset, attitude, humor, etc.)
To reserve appointments, all sessions are paid for in advance. Venmo to @Laurece-West. Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover are accepted. PayPal to the account Check payable to "Laurece West Studios." Training is often tax deductible as professional development. Check with your accountant.
All session fees are non-refundable. If the cancellation policy is followed, credit is honored for that session. Classes run like college courses and there are no make-ups, however a recording of the class will be available for review if you let Laurece know ahead of time that you will be away.
Training Package credits are to be made-up within the agreed upon term. For clients paying in monthly installments, if payments are declined or delinquent, sessions are suspended until payments are current. Clients are responsible for the full amount of their package and any collection fees. Clients make an investment and commitment to their training. This results in immense personal and professional rewards, skill, strategy, mindset and career up-leveling.
Session Agreements
To enable mutual understanding of these studio policies and to have a smooth working relationship Laurece has written agreements for coaching. The agreement includes:
1. The length, day, and time of your sessions.
2. A reminder to follow the cancellation policy to retain a credit for rescheduling.
3. An acknowledgment of the attendance, cancellation and payment policies.
4. The training package name and term.
5. Amounts of payments in whole or monthly.
6. Due dates for payments.
7. Signatures of agreement.
Clear policies enable ease. Clients understand their attendance and payment responsibilities and how to maintain a credit. They give themselves the gift of rapid growth in a calm, supportive environment. Laurece is clear when she is seeing you, and what appointments are available. She stays centered in the midst a studio where each person has life changes. Then she’s able to be present and train in a focused way to challenge and guide each client to achieve their untapped potential – to be more skilled, motivated, authentic, energized, and powerful - a positive, creative force in the world.
No Refunds Policy
If you are going to grow you have to not do what you’ve always done, but learn new skills and to think differently. You say you want to improve but it will take sweat equity - hard work! Your old mindset will freak at some point – right before a breakthrough. It is scared of a new, more powerful you. So your ego will cook up crazy ideas of why you should jump, quit, etc. It was your survival and protection and doesn’t want you to get to the next level, simply because it is scared. The problem is that you are listening to your brain, and maybe your family, who need you to be your old self. You came by all of this honestly.
To give you one breakthrough after another, you have to go through. I will help you learn the skills, process your triggers, and believe in yourself, your heart, wisdom and knowledge like never before. Your confidence will rise up. You will show up on to life differently, and the world will respond to your new energy.
STOP right now! If you haven’t read the PRAISE PAGES, the testimonials, do so NOW. Then come back here.
To create the safe space where you can’t jump and sabotage your growth, we are going to have healthy boundaries. First, you’ll sign a training agreement which will detail appointments, training duration, cancellations, payments and how to retain a credit. Secondly, you’ll agree to a no refund policy. Think carefully before you join this program if it is what you really want because you can’t quit midstream. I won’t let you ruin your dream. With my gentle and clear guidance, you are going through your challenges and learning process while following your heart, so you can get what you want, and achieve your goals. You’re going to work hard for what you really want. Your frustration, negative thinking, and doubts will be transformed to positive "I can do it" thinking and the real skills and confidence to back it up.
For a little humor, yet to the point:
from SUSAN HYATT INC: Beyoncé Refund Policy
All of your payments — including your initial deposit — are non-refundable.
I call this My Beyoncé Policy. Here's why:
When you buy a ticket to a Beyoncé concert, and then decide you don't feel like going, or it's too far to drive, or you can't find a babysitter, or whatever… what happens? You don't go. You stay home. You miss out. Are you going to write an email to Beyoncé and ask for a refund? Hell no. Beyoncé ain't refunding your money just because you decided not to show up, or mismanaged your schedule, or whatever. That was your choice. This may sound like “tough love,” but that's my policy, too.
Bottom line: respect your time. Respect mine. Say “yes” to the experiences that you really want — and show up. Showing up is so sexy. Beyoncé would approve.